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Writer's pictureRichelle Gentry

Heart of a killer (book 2)

List of Potential Trigger warnings: (made by paid sensitivity reader)

Blood, rats, knives, negative DID rep, glorification of drug use, self isolation, escapist behaviors, panic/ anxiety attack, mysogyny, laced drugs, hallucination, coersion, structural dissociation, details on the feelings of using, sleep deprivation, melting skin, gore, graphic wounds, suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, attempted suuicide, pregnancy, emotional/physical abuse mention, incest, stolckholm syndrome, hospitalization, psychiatric inpatient treatment, mentions of the church, forced hysterectomy, memory loss, sleep disorders, medically induced coma, amnesia walls, classist insults, gender essentialism, body shaming, eating disorder mention, death, delusion, bodily mutililation, body horror, pica, medicaiton as management, addiciton, toxic masculinity, incest, cheating mention, graphic self harm, mentions of stolen children, prison mentions, cancer mention, body fluids, ruby play, water torture “hydrotherapy”, flashbacks, child abuse, dubcon, csa mention, graphic depictions of mutilation, murder, binging mention, graphic pica, parentification, alcohol use disorder, homophobia,  lesbophobia, drugged without consent, needles, injections, electroshock therapy, being restrained, medical malpractice, halucinations, ableism, sanism, kidnapping, interogation, graphic depictions of violence, violence against women, suicide, hanging, back alley abortion, torture, pedophilia, adoption, baby theft, genital mutilation, corpses, decay, infidelity, medical neglect, house fire, bugs, assault, CNC, grief of a loved one, schizophrenia, gaslighting, stolckholm syndrome

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